Friday, April 16, 2010

The Evolution of Tyson Ritter

As mentioned in a post a couple of days ago, it's almost my civic duty as an Oklahoman to demonstrate sufficient affection for the All-American Rejects, so I feel no shame in showing them some love yet again...

OK, so I'll admit that I preferred frontman Tyson Ritter back in his significantly less "eccentric" days... the days of Converse and graphic tees... but there's still something irrestible about his new "Glitter Ritter" persona. (And yes, I'll also admit that it might be due, at least in part, to the fact that the name "Glitter Ritter" is just so darn catchy ;)

Whatever it is, there will always be a soft spot in my heart for Tyson...

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Summer Concert Bliss

It's that time of year when our favorite artists start joining forces for woefully limited yet undeniably amazing joint concerts. In perusing the web, here are just of few of said pairings that I've come across thus far...

Kris Allen + Green River Ordinance = pretty darn cool...

Tim McGraw + Lady Antebellum = even cooler...

Keith Urban + The Eagles = ridiculously awesome (sure, the Dixie Chicks are thrown into the mix too, but I could honestly care less about them...)

and last, but certainly not least...

John Mayer + Train doing a limited run of concerts in the Southeast = EPIC. Pure Bliss. Best. Thing. EVER!

Of course, the reality of if I'll actually be able to make it to any of these concerts is a different matter, but hey, a girl can dream can't she?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Disney Gets the Thomas Kinkade Treatment

This past Easter, I was delighted to find a copy of the newest animated Disney hit The Princess and the Frog nestled among the other treats awaiting me in my Easter Basket.

Given that the male population in our household had yet to see the movie, I was quick to unwrap it and pop the disc in the player, insistent on rectifying that glaring gap in their Disney viewing history.

As we skipped through the plethora of ads preceding the film, I sifted through the other plethora of ads awaiting me inside the DVD case. Per usual, most of them were useless coupons for some of the lesser-known straight-to-DVD mediocrity that Disney releases between the big Summer and Holiday movie seasons... but one thing did manage to catch my eye...

Thomas Kinkade had done a print based on the end scene from the Princess and the Frog, and believe it or not, it was actually quite stunning. Certainly not worth the hefty Disney/Kinkade price tag ($300+?! I'm more that content to settle for simple using a jpeg of the image as my desktop background, thank you very much...) But, there's no denying the fact that the image is quite lovely, and certainly worth a mention here...

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

AAR Get the Glee Treatment

So the moment finally arrived, and Glee made its triumphant return to television this evening. The hour of blissful musical goodness didn't disappoint, and the whole episode could probably warrant being called the Best. Thing. EVER. But... there was one aspect of the show which definitely stood out above anything else.

As a good Oklahoma girl, I pretty much feel it's my duty to worship the Stillwater-bred All-American Rejects (and have done so since they first started making waves with "Swing Swing" over 8 years ago...)

So... needless to say I was giddy with excitement when Lea Michelle and the rest of the Glee crew started belting out "Gives You Hell" during tonight's episode.

It probably also goes without saying that I immediately made my way to iTunes to add this newest single to the bevvy of other Glee tunes gracing my iPod. Hopefully this just bodes well for great things to come for the rest of this season...

Monday, April 12, 2010

Less is More: Especially When it Comes to Twilight

This little gem was brought to my attention when I tried to coerce a friend into watching my brand spanking new copy of the New Moon the other day. Her response was that we could save a lot of time and agony, and enjoy the condensed version.

The condensed version?? you may ask. That's right! It's called New Moon in 15 Minutes, and it's pretty darn hilarious. You can read the complete, illustrated!, version here. Odds are, you can probably even finish it in under 15 minutes... ;)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Vikings Invade Wal-Mart!

Saw this large Keebler promotional display for "How to Train Your Dragon" during a late-night shopping spree at Wal-Mart the other night.

"What does Keebler have to do with dragons??" you might ask... Honestly, your guess is as good as mine... but then again, when did large-scale movie promo tie-ins EVER make much sense?

Still, definitely an impressive sight that livened up my errand-running.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Gleek-ing Out Over the Newest Rolling Stone

Was absolutely giddy when I came across this new "Glee" Issue of Rolling Stone in an airport gift shop! Of course I immediately had to snag a copy,

Ok, so the article itself was a little strange, to say the least, but the photos are absolutely fantastic. (Described by the photographer as an amalgam of Norman Rockwell and a 1940's pinup poster... what a combination!)

So excited for the return of Glee... three days and counting!!